Rights & Responsibilities

    • You have the right to be seen by a GP within 48 hours of your request for an appointment.
    • You have the right to be seen by a Health Care Professional within 24 hours of your request for an appointment.
    • 48 hours and 24 hours refer to normal working days, weekends and Bank Holidays and absence due to holidays are not included in the calculation.
    • You have the right to be treated with respect and for your dignity to be maintained during consultations.
    • You have the right to express a preference as to by whom you are seen, either generally or in relation to any particular condition. If you wish to be seen by a specific consultant when being referred please inform Dr Perkins of their name.
    • You have a responsibility to keep any appointment made or inform the surgery that you are unable to attend.
    • You are responsible for ordering your medication before it runs out. 24 hours notice is required for prescription requests. It may not be possible to issue prescriptions for collection on the same day.
    • You have a responsibility to treat the GP, and all staff with whom you have contact, with respect. Violence, aggression and abuse by patients will not be tolerated. The Practice operates a Zero Tolerance Policy. Patients who are violent, aggressive or abusive to the GP, his staff or other persons on the practice premises will be removed from the practice list.